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Keeping Your Campfire Burning in the Rain

bonfire-1835829_960_720Wouldn’t it be great if you had clear and sunny skies every time you went camping? Sure it would! But unfortunately mother nature doesn’t always go this way. While rainfall varies from state to state, most regions in the United States receive “measurable precipitation” 155 days per year.

It’s hard to fully enjoy a camping trip when it rains. The rainfall can force you campers to stay in their tents while putting out their campfires in the process. There’s no way to control mother nature, but you can follow some simple steps when building and maintaining your campfire to keep it burning in the rain. Here’s how you do it.

Choose the Right Location

Building a rainproof campfire begins with choosing the right location. Ideally, you should build your campfire in a location that’s guarded from the rain. The base of an overhanging ridge, for instance, is an excellent choice. The ridge should shield some, if not all, of the rain from reaching your campfire. The ground should also be dry or semi-dry.

Of course, this isn’t always an option. If you are camping in a state park or wildlife refuge, there may be laws requiring campers to build fires in existing fire rings. If you are unable to build a campfire in a “dry” location, create a cover over the campfire using wood and branches. Just remember to build this cover high enough so it doesn’t catch flame.

Sparking the Fire

Getting a campfire started in the rain an be tedious and time-consuming process. If you have a dry area, however, you should be able to start it with relative ease using dry kindling and tinder. Pocket lint, for instance, will ignite in no time at all.

Collect Dry Fuel

You’ll also need plenty of dry fuel to keep your campfire going in the rain. This is where many campers mess up, as they struggle to find adequate fuel for their fire. Tree bark, particularly that from birch trees, is an excellent source of fuel. It contains natural oils that repel moisture, so it may burn even if it’s semi-moist.

You can strip wood from other types of trees to use in your campfire as well. If the bark is saturated with moisture, use a knife to strip a thin layer from the outside and always keep a tarp over your wood to help keep it dry.

If you have any questions regarding how an S&S Fire Pit can enhance your outdoor living space; We can help.