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Survey Reveals Most Popular Outdoor Furniture Purchases

14638942557_8cdec759db_zOutdoor living has become an increasingly popular trend among homeowners and their families. Rather than staying cooped up indoors, more and more people are going outside to enjoy the fresh air and warm sunshine. But if you’re planning to create an outdoor living space on your property, you’ll want to invest in the right furniture. While there are countless options available, a recent survey has shed light on some of the most popular outdoor furniture purchases.

The American Home Furnishings Alliance (AHFA) released its findings from a 2015 survey, revealing which outdoor furniture as the most popular from 2015. According to the survey, chairs were the  single most popular outdoor furniture last year, with 39% of consumers surveyed saying they purchased at least one chair for their outdoor living space. Of course, that should come as no surprise given the importance of seating for patios, gardens, backyards and other outdoor living spaces. But there are other purchases on this survey that may surprise you.

Coming in at a close second on this survey was a fire pit. The AHFA found that 38% of consumers surveyed purchased a fire pit for their outdoor living space. Fire pits are the perfect addition for outdoor living spaces, providing homeowners with warmth, style, and a relaxing social-engaging atmosphere. For the price, it’s arguably one of the cheapest (and easiest) ways to enhance your outdoor living space.

There were other outdoor furniture purchases noted in the survey, however. 37% of consumers surveyed, for instance, admitted to buying a chaise lounge chair; 35% purchased a dining table; 35% purchased an umbrella; and 33% purchased lighting. These are all popular additions to outdoor living spaces, as noted in the AHFA’s 2015 survey.

Here are some tips on how to choose the right outdoor furniture:

  • Stick with a single primary color, along with two or three secondary colors.
  • Don’t mix brown and black. Going back to the basics of home decor 101, these two colors clash with one another, which is why it’s best to avoid this combination.
  • Consider both aesthetics and comfort/function when choosing outdoor furniture.
  • Choose furniture that’s waterproof and able to withstand the otherwise harsh outdoor elements.
  • How much time (and work) does the furniture take to maintain? Most homeowners prefer low-maintenance furniture for their outdoor living spaces.
  • Tables and benches with built-in storage are always a plus.

Photo credit: Colette Vogele

If you have any questions regarding how an S&S Fire Pit can enhance your outdoor living space; We can help.