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Fire Rings Versus Fire Pits – What Is The Difference?

Fire Rings Versus Fire Pits – What Is The Difference?

Some of the best memories that you will create with family and friends are made around a fire. You do not need to rough it at a campground or deal with the hassle of lighting a fire in your fireplace to enjoy the warmth and the inviting glow of a fire.

At S&S Fire Pits, our customers often ask us about the differences between a fire pit and a fire ring. While these two options are similar in several ways, a fire pit is a superior option for many people. Before making your final selection, you should get familiar with the advantages of a pit.

Backyard Aesthetics

For many folks, the best place to relax around a fire is in the backyard, but the placement possibilities for these two options in your yard will vary. A fire pit ring sits directly on top of the ground. Often, homeowners will invest in expensive masonry work to surround the ring. The ring becomes a permanent, immobile fixture in the yard. Because it is a primary gathering space, it often takes up a considerable amount of the yard space throughout the year.

A fire pit, on the other hand, sits in a slightly elevated position. All of our pits at S&S Fire Pits are handcrafted using solid steel. They are available in a range of styles, so you can easily find one that elevates your yard’s ambiance. Because they sit on top of the ground, they are mobile.

This means that you can place your pit off to the side when it is not in use. While they will be a focal point in your space while in use, you are not committed to having a permanent fixture. You can even use a snuffer to cover the top of the fire pit when it is not in use. By doing so, you can turn your fire pit into a table or a place potted plants on top of it.

Longevity Of A Fire Ring

Because a ring sits directly on the ground, it is prone to rusting and related deterioration. This directly affects the life of your ring. With a relatively short lifespan compared to a solid steel fire pit, you can enjoy greater overall value from the pit.

In fact, all of our solid steel fire pits have a lifetime guarantee. As the steel becomes weathered and aged, it will not deteriorate. These effects actually make the fire pits look more rustic and beautiful over time.

A Variety of Uses

The fact that a fire ring sits on the ground and is a permanent fixture can limit how you use it. While you could cook over a ring, you will need to bend down considerably. You may even need to sit on your knees or squat as you cook.

On the other hand, a fire pit may sit more than 18 inches above the ground. The raised position of a fire pit makes it much more convenient and comfortable to use as a cooking surface.

Once you select a location for your fire pit ring, you are locked into that location permanently.

A fire pit, on the other hand, can be moved into the front yard for a block party or even taken to a campground or another location. The mobility of a fire pit dramatically increases how frequently you can enjoy using it.

The Matter of Safety

Depending on the type of ring that is in a yard, it can have several potential safety hazards that are not a concern with a fire pit. The ring’s lowered stance directly on top of the ground can create a tripping hazard.

Because the ring cannot be moved, this hazard remains in place throughout the year. In addition, some types of fire rings are less capable of fully containing the fire. It may be easier for a small campfire to turn into a bonfire and to potentially cause property damage. Logs rolling out of the ring may also be a concern.

A fire pit, on the other hand, has a bowl-like shape. This shape and the pit’s position over the ground effectively prevent the fire’s size from growing out of control. The rounded shape of the pit also prevents logs from rolling out of the fire. If you invest in a snuffer for your fire pit, you can quickly and easily put your fire out when you are ready to head indoors.

Cleaning and Maintenance Chores

You will need to remove the ash and other debris from both of these fire features regularly. Once the debris has had ample time to cool down, you will need to shovel it out of the ring. Given the ring’s low placement directly on top of the ground, this can be rather grueling. Also, any nicks in the material should be sealed as soon as possible. These nicks can quickly lead to irreparable damage to the ring.

While a fire pit also needs to be cleaned out thoroughly, this process is generally easier to do. All of the ashes and debris are contained within the bowl. Most fire pits are only a few feet wide in diameter.

They are large enough to meet all of your needs for warmth, cooking and entertaining, but both their dimensions and their elevation above the ground make them easier to clean. In some cases, it may also be easier to remove debris from a fire pit because it can be moved to a more convenient location for cleaning.

How to Choose a Fire Pit

While you may have started your search looking for a custom fire pit ring for sale, you can see that a solid steel fire pit is a better overall option when all important factors are reviewed carefully. Now that you have narrowed down the possibilities to a pit, your next step is to select the perfect one for your home.

Some fire rings can cost several thousand dollars, so you may appreciate the affordability of a fire pit. All of our fire pits are handcrafted using solid steel, and they have a lifetime guarantee.

We also offer short-term financing so that you can more conveniently pay for the fire pit that is a perfect fit for your space.

After you establish your budget, you are ready to narrow down the options by size. Our fire pits range from 30 inches to 42 inches. Several dozen styles are available with variations to the bowl shape, the base and the overall decorative look.

Both the hemisphere and the elliptical bowls are available on a flanged base or a three-leg base. With dozens of styles to explore, you can likely find a superior alternative to a custom fire pit ring for sale.

Before you finalize your purchase, remember to order all of the accessories that will elevate your experience with your new fire pit. Some of these items are a snuffer, a cooking grate, a spark screen and a firewood rack.

At S&S Fire Pits, we are passionate about helping our customers enjoy the full outdoor living experience with the ability to gather around a fire pit to cook, relax and stay warm.

You could plan to purchase a new fire ring every few years, or you could invest in a fire pit that has been handcrafted to last a lifetime. Take time to explore the many styles of quality fire pits available on our website.

We are always happy to answer questions so that you can make a selection that brings you pure enjoyment in the years ahead.